Indulge Your Palate: Pan-Seared Wagyu Denver and Red Wine

Pan-Seared 8oz Australian Wagyu Denver Steak with Red Wine Reduction:



  1. Season and Prepare the Steak:
    • Pat the Wagyu Denver steak dry with paper towels.
    • Season both sides generously with salt and black pepper.
  2. Preheat the Pan:
    • Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat until it’s shimmering.
  3. Sear the Steak:
    • Place the seasoned Wagyu Denver steak in the hot skillet.
    • Sear for about 3-4 minutes on each side for a perfect medium-rare, adjusting based on your preferred doneness.
  4. Deglaze with Red Wine:
    • Pour in the red wine, scraping any flavorful bits from the bottom of the pan.
    • Allow the wine to reduce by half, intensifying the flavors.
  5. Balsamic Vinegar Addition:
    • Stir in the balsamic vinegar, adding a sweet and tangy note to the reduction.
  6. Finish with Butter:
    • Swirl in the unsalted butter to create a luscious, glossy finish to the red wine reduction.
  7. Resting:
    • Remove the Wagyu Denver steak from the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes on a cutting board.
  8. Slicing and Plating:
    • Slice the steak against the grain into thin slices.
    • Arrange the slices on a plate and drizzle with the red wine reduction.
  9. Garnish (Optional):
    • Garnish with fresh thyme sprigs for a touch of herbaceous aroma.
  10. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Serve this Pan-Seared 8oz Australian Wagyu Denver Steak with Red Wine Reduction as a gourmet delight, and relish the exquisite flavors.

Chef’s Tips:

  • Ensure your pan is hot before placing the steak to achieve a beautiful sear.
  • Use a good quality red wine for the reduction to enhance the overall taste.
  • Experiment with different fresh herbs like rosemary or sage for added depth of flavor.

This Pan-Seared 8oz Australian Wagyu Denver Steak with Red Wine Reduction recipe offers a sophisticated and indulgent dining experience, perfectly balancing the richness of Wagyu with the complex flavors of red wine and balsamic vinegar. Enjoy this dish for a special dinner or whenever you crave a gourmet treat.



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